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2017 wrx

Practical Reflash Tuning

Relevant Module: Worked Examples > COBB - Subaru > Step 5: Optimising the Tune

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Opened about a month it's stock and no tuning when I cold start or start period I hold a average of 1700 rpm is this normal for subbi stock tuning or do I need to think mechanical?

WRX of these generation have direct injection and start in stratified warm up mode. You can check stratified vs homogeneous injection mode on google for more info!

There's also some info about this on the DIT supplement guide on the Cobb website : https://cobbtuning.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PRS/pages/26870256/Subaru+Accesstuner+DIT+Tuning+Guide+Supplement

Thank you alot!

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