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6L80 programming

Practical Reflash Tuning

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Hey, I just replace the transmission for my father’s 2012 Z 71 with a 5.3 four-wheel-drive I replace it was just a remanufactured stock transmission and understand that it needs to be programmed with the operating system for the TCM due to the fact that the TCM is inside the oil pan I have a MDI2 scanner and I also have the credit on AC Delco TDS ready to be used on the vehicle. Has anybody done this before and can point me in the right direction? I have previously rebuilt the motor on the car and have it tune with DODNEVT delete already. I have that file saved so I’m wondering if there is anywhere I can use the HP tuners and today or do I have to use the MDI to upload the operating system With the matching operating system for the ECM? I might be a wording this wrong, but if somebody can help me out, I would love you for a long time.


I was hoping someone would have insight on the particular tool, vehicle, transmission combo you have, but I see no responses so I'll do my best. I don't have experience with that tool. I'm also a bit unclear on the work that's been done.

Did you replace the transmission with a part identical to what was removed? If yes, does it not function as is? Is there a particular issue you're experiencing?

If you have installed a transmission that's different from the OEM unit you removed, please let us know what you swapped to specifically.

With that info perhaps I or someone else will be able to offer more help.

No worries. I figured it out. Once I ran the internet app in administrator mode along w tech connect and gm Mdi manager everything went very smooth. The 6l80 tcm is located inside the transmission so instead of opening the transmission and switching the tcm I just reprogrammed it with a file from A/C Delco that had the same operating system as the original. I had an issue exactly like this about a month ago on the envoy that I swapped a 6.0 in. The customer brought it in and the ecm had lost communications (I think a internal resistor broke) but I put an ecm from a 06 tbss because in 2006 gm used the e40 ecm which was a terrible ecm and only used in things like the 04-05 got and corvettes and ssr. But anyways the ecm would not communicate with the tcm and I tried a sigma swap and so many things when finally I asked my dyno tuner ( he’s part of team fast life from street outlaws) and he told me it can only be done with a dealer program. So I decided to get the interface and got it set up I went to acdelcotds.com and paid $45.00 is dollars to unlock the vin number for 24months, then I was able to just type the vin in and the 4 options of operating systems that were offered in the vehicles and I put clicked the one I needed and uploaded it. Once I figured it out it was only about 10-15 mins. Also in the end a dealer warranty code was given that is a must have to do any warranty claim on the new transmission.

The trans mission I swapped in was same that came from the factory but the only way to not have to prigram the tcm is by swapping it from the old trans (which will void warranty i assume) or you get lucky and get a transmission that has the same o.s as replaced with. The truck runs beautiful now. Towed my Camaro and trans am about 120 miles each yesterday and today and trans temp never broke about 165 F

Awesome, I'm glad to hear it and thanks for getting back to us with the resolution!

For anyone else that finds this thread while seeking their own answers in a similar situation, it sounds like a matter of what I'd call a VIN or module sync mismatch which are two different things, but in general terms they can both result in the existing module(s) in the vehicle not accepting a new unit, even though it is the correct one for the vehicle. By making the VIN match, or synching the modules, they all accept each other, then communicate and function properly together. This is increasingly common in newer vehicles as modules and communication between them becomes more integrated, and is not limited to ECU and TCM, so it can include the body control module and others as well depending on the vehicle.

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