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Practical Reflash Tuning

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Regarding Dynamic airflow tab.

I found that they are difference from any other GM which im familiar with.

High RPM DIS 7300

High RPM Re enable 7200

This actually confused me while trying to scale the maf sensor.

I tried to adjust the maf sensor but nothing change.

I changed both High Dis & High enable to 150 - 100 RPM and tried again to scale the maf sensor but seems like it does not make any change to the Fuel Trim.

i also tried to fix the fuel trim from the VE tables and also i does not make any difference.

My question is:

1) - How to fix the difference between Commanded lambda 0.85 and actual lambda 0.76 with this type of ECU.

2) - How to do Fuel cut-off like another GM? I almost change all the set up in the Cut-off tab but nothing change.

Thank you in advance


I'd like to make sure I look over the same ROM you're working on. Can you attach the stock file you started with so I can review?

Please also attach the modified file where you altered fuel cut off, and what your desired outcome is.

I'll be happy to review and get back to you.

Hello Mike,

Thank you for your reply.

i just attached the stock file and a file for a cut off.

the car will give me what i need in gear but it does not do what i want on N / P.

Seems like there is a torque limiter. but i already disable some of them where i do usually do with other GM.

Attached Files

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