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banging sound

Practical Reflash Tuning

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Discussion and questions related to the course Practical Reflash Tuning

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hey guys , how are you all doing . i have a question thou . how do you make the " burling sound " when the foor is released from the throttle , reflashing a muscle car , ?

A lot of the burble on over run will be dependent on the mechanical configuration of the engine, however it can help to leave the over run fuel cut (DFCO) disabled so that fuel remains injecting on over run, and also retarding the ignition on over run will also help.

thank you andre , for your reply . i will try that soon . , i need to ask you , also , i have friends who have hundai genesis coupe v6 3.8l and they are asking to correct the tuning they have . but i cant find a software and a dungle to use .

2. there is a guy who has a ( link g4+ ) used ecu , and it got a password on it , how can i reset the ecu , or open the password .

thanks .

Unless you know the password in the Link ECU the only option is to reset it back to factory, I've attached a picture of where this is in the menu's

Attached Files

How much ignition timing retard is usually required to get this effect? 5 degrees? More? Would this also be combined with targeting a slightly richer lambda target during the overrun? Say .90 vs. a Lambda of 1?

We discussed this after a webinar that Andre hosted regarding over run fuel cut, here's the chat:


You need to pull back enough timing to get the desired effect, it totally varies depending on the mechanical set up of the engine so you need to find out through trial and error.

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