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Cam Angle Help

Practical Reflash Tuning

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Discussion and questions related to the course Practical Reflash Tuning

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At the beginning of the adjustments you set the cam angle to zero at 40 degrees i think? you changed it from columns 8 through 10 and set them at zero then you did a ramp run. After the ramp run, you told us to make sure we make the correct changes to the correct cam angle map, and then you changed it from 40 to 0 how did you know that 0 was the correct cam angle map to make the adjustments to? i seen on the data log you said something about you are on the right track and the cam angle was at zero but i dont get how you knew or how you set it at zero? i hope i am making sense.. this will be one of my main issues as well.. i am unable to fully describe my questions in a way that will make sense sometimes unless i talk or just keep asking questions.


Since you don't have an engine with variable cam timing, your ECU is not using any of the CAM position tables for anything. If you want to change the cam timing, you have to open the engine, and using whatever adjustment is possible (offset keys, vernier timing pulleys), make an adjustment. Then re-run the WOT pulls (adjusting fuel and ignition as required) to compare different cam positions.

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