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ECU Upgrade

Practical Reflash Tuning

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Discussion and questions related to the course Practical Reflash Tuning

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I have a 2007 VE SS which I have fitted a LS3 into , I was wondering if I could upgrade the firmware in the ECU to bring it up to the same as the genuine LS3 ecu in the VF series ? and if not can an LS3 VF ecu be fitted to my VE ?

Hi Graeme, you can'r change the operating system in an ECM unfortunately. If you have two tunes from the same OS then you can flash either into your ECM though. I'm not too sure what you're wanting to achieve though? There's nothing to stop you tuning the LS3 using your existing ECM with the required tune changes?

thanks for the reply Andre , I saw that the later ecu had a few more settings etc over my ecu that's all.

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