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I was trying to read the tune from my friend Evo using ECUFlash and Openport but I got "no response to any known code", so I assume the ECU is locked? i didn't use the reflash adapter and I'm not sure if it's important to read the tune?
does ecutek require any adapter for the Evo? and can it unlock the ECU for whatever reason the aktive matrix didn't work with ECUFlash
the main reason we are trying to tune this car is that the timing retards a lot at partial throttle and wot it's around -11 degrees, it feels like there is a rev limiter, I think for some reason it's seeing more load than it actually has.
we decreased the fuel pressure from the regulator and increased the boost from the manual boost controller to get it to cruise at 100km but It still needs more timing.
You need "read template" file, definition file and appropriate version of Ecuflash ( some version are not working well). 99 percent of the time the problem is related to these 3...
im using the latest software 1.44 i haven't added any template or definition file, but shouldn't I be at least able to save the tune without them?
we reached out to the previous owner and he mentioned that it was previously tuned using ecutek software, I tried to detect the ecu but the ecutek is only looking for can bus ecu's and not k-line so now I'm scratching my head not sure if ecutek no longer support k-line ecu's or is it a dealer feature only.
and shouldn't the ecu unlocker allow me to read the ecu anyway as I'm not sure if its working or not.
and I'm not sure if I need the template or I'm doing it wrong and I need to bridge any of the plugs under the dash or use another adapter.
I was able to read the ecu with ecuflash I had to get the adapter for it to work.
my rom is 98640014 if anyone has a tephra v7 for it or any other compatible rom I would be grateful.
It should be working with 90550001 but it wasn't for free, as far as I remember...
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