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ford tune

Practical Reflash Tuning

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Discussion and questions related to the course Practical Reflash Tuning

= Resolved threads


1. Speed Density System Calibration. how to i get your EXl, if i use dynojet how to i do it, if i dont have dyno and i plan to i tune how to i tune Speed Density System.

why you change map from 0 to 4 in Speed Density

2. why you incures cylair WOT multiplier to 1.9 and cylair max multiplier to 1.9 when you tune Speed Density System Calibration

3.Configuring Torque Tables, how to i get EXL. if i use dynojet how to i do it, if i dont have dyno and i plan to i tune how to i tune Configuring Torque.

4. you dont explain driver demand.

5. i need to increse torque of engine and transsmiton, i want to reduse traction of car, how to remove torque loss in transsmtion and engine

6. i need my scanner to be setup i dont know what i need to add in it.

7. if you can add more example of car, mustand MT and AT from 2011-2014, form 2015 to 2017 and from 2018 and up

Hi Adnan, please see below:

1. It looks like the excel file may have been mistakenly removed. I'll see if the team can fix this. Unfortunately you won't be able to tune this on a dynojet inertia dyno, or on the street. You need accurate and repeatable torque values from the dyno.

2. This is explained in the following module at 14:40 https://www.hpacademy.com/dashboard/courses/practical-reflash-tuning/hp-tuners-ford-f150-step-3-configure-base-tune-file.

3. Please see my reply to 1 above

4. Driver demand is explained in this module at 7:00 https://www.hpacademy.com/dashboard/courses/practical-reflash-tuning/hp-tuners-ford-f150-step-3-configure-base-tune-file

5. I'm not sure what you're asking here? If you want to increase torque dramatically then this will require hardware changes to the engine.

6. There is no universal scanner setup as what you want to scan will depend on the task you're completing. Check this webinar for further information. It's GM based but the principles are the same - https://www.hpacademy.com/previous-webinars/215-how-to-use-histograms-in-hp-tuners/

7. We will add more examples in time. Right now I can't promise when this will be as we are limited by the cars we have access to.

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