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Load break points in Base Tune Timing Tables

Practical Reflash Tuning

Relevant Module: Worked Examples > ECUFlash - Subaru > Step 3: Configure Base Tune File

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At 34.42 in the video on Subaru ECU flash:

Now that we've done that, we obviously still need to copy and paste this table out to our other three tables so we'll press control C, close that down and we can repeat the process on our other three tables, remembering that we do also want to make that same change to our load break point so let's go ahead and do that now.

Question: what values need changing and what is the procedure to make the changes. The training video is not very clear, unless I am missing something here. Help will be greatly appreciated!!!!

Andre is making changes to one of these 4 base timing tables and suggesting pasting the same values in all 4. They are next to each other in the table list and their names all start with "base timing".

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Thank you Mike, I get the copying of all base tables, however, the breakpoint changes (as per screenshot) has values that has been changed. It is clarity on what is happening in that section that I am interested in please Sir?

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As a general rule, altering table break points is performed either to increase the range of the table, or reduce coverage in areas where the data is linear and will interpolate anyway, or to add resolution and focus on certain areas.

An example where expanded range is required would be if the highest column in stock form is 3.0 and you're going to run up to 3.5, you will generally re-scale the table axis value to read up to and a bit beyond the highest value expected, so perhaps 3.8. This way you can continue any trends you'd like as the value goes beyond the stock maximum value of 3.0.

The simplest way to do this is to "delete" columns in areas that transition in linear fashion, by pasting adjacent data into them, shifting columns over until you have room at the far end of the table to set up new higher axis values.

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