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Mercedes ML63 AMG

Practical Reflash Tuning

Relevant Module: Reflashing Basics > Reflash Basics > Torque Limits

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Hi! I am dealing with a Mercedes ML63 AMG W164 Model 2009 Year Model M156 Engine. Me and my technical partner, have installed a weistec Stage 3 supercharger kit + their tuning file which mandatory for warranthy liability reasons (Which almost triples the Volumetric efficiency of the engine). The car runs good, can cruise, change gears but when i accelerate hard (Or floor it ) the car turns the Yellow ESP indicator on, limits the engine torque and i have to cycle the ecu (Turn power off completly then tun on ) in order to exit safe mode.The ecu is the ME 9.7. Has anyone deal with this kind of issue before on a mercedes or any other modern car with automatic transmission ? I have done so many test, replaced all batteris with brand New OEM , checked wiring and grounds, did a full scan with Xentry oem geniue tool. Now i am waiting for delivery of a new Autotuner Tool (Which can log engine transmission and Can Bus Data) What tests, diagnostic and methodology shoudl i use ?P.S. I will upload the technical summary form Xentry scan.

Note: The internal fault code stays permantlyon, on Bosch Ecus, due to mapping and calibration parameters relative to emissions. What i am worried about is the CAN Message faults on the ESP Module.

I would expect this to be a normal warning because Mercedes deliberately limit the engine torque in the lower gears to protect the transmission. The modifications you have done will bring the operating parameters outside the "acceptable" range as deemed by Mercedes.

TBH, I'm very surprised Weistec (?) didn't give you the information required to either reset the Mercedes limits/parameters and/or control the engine's torque in the lower gears.

They didn't mention any requirement, or recommendation, to strengthen or replace the gearbox for the increased torque output? It may be possible to circumvent the gearbox protection, but there is an excellent chance it will destroy the gearbox if the torque is increased beyond the safety margin Mercedes are applying.

Tey gave us a second calibration file, and ask us to log for specific parameters. In the mean time i am just trying to get every single bit of details, and point thats shouldi check or double check.

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