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Need help, Gen 3 Hemi Tuning process for large cam/bigger injectors/intake manifold swap

Practical Reflash Tuning

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From what I can understand about my 2018 Ram 5.7L Hemi, the VVT system is the reason why they had to add the Neural Network in order to keep up with the varying Volumetric Efficiency of the engine of the engine as the cam timing changes, 25 tables worth to be exact (only 5 of which we use on this old pushrod engine thankfully). Well, on my engine, I have changed the camshaft to a much more aggressive camshaft that has the potential of P2V interference if the VVT advances the cam timing any, so my VVT Cam Phaser is 100 percent locked out. So with this in mind, does that make Neural Network unnecessary, so I could simply Disable Neural Network and tune solely off the Odd and Even VE Tables after I calculate my injector pulse width at each RPM range in my Inj PW tables and have spot on injector tables set up, then just run the correction factor on my VE table from there to get me to 1.0 lambda, then calculate my PE Enrichment tables from there, and I should be pretty close to dialed in fueling wise? (I am just running a stock 6.4L Truck intake with 6.4L truck injectors, Hellcat Throttle Body, on my cammed 5.7L Hemi, and I may have found a table with the correct injector offsets for the injectors I am using, but I want to hand calculate it first then go back and look at the table I found, and see how close they come to matching, or if my numbers are way off.)

How does one go about methodically going from the stock calibration file, then calculating the necessary data for a specific camshaft profile, along with larger injectors, larger throttle body, and larger volume intake manifold, adding long tube headers, adding a 3600 RPM Stall convertor, and come up with a relatively close calibration to run the engine off of that will only need minor adjustments to have fueling and driveability dialed in? Is there a known logical order of operations that is repeatable for engines with certain combinations of modifiations to determine the correct calibration table data? This is my first real in depth attempt at tuning, I have been a VIP member for a couple years, watched a lot of the videos over and over, but never really had a chance to actually put this into practice and get a grasp on the process. Unfortunately there is not a lot of content related to Mopar tuning, which seems to be very specific in how it has to be handled, and while the concepts are similar, it's vastly different in technique it seems from a lot of what I have learned from the modules on HPA, which ustually seem to focus on MAF tuning, or tuning a stock engine for extra power. Hoping once I have a full understanding of the process from beginning to end, and can do a few other vehicles through our shop from start to finish with repeatable results, I can start taking on some tuning work and feel good knowing I am putting out quality and safe work.

If you've locked the VVT then the ANN is not really necessary and yes, I would suggest disabling the ANN entirely and tuning off the VE tables instead. With any of the late model factory ECUs it's essential to have accurate injector characterisation data for any injector swap. You're not going to be able to work these out and if you try, you'll inevitably end up baking errors into the calibration to tryt and fudge incorrect injector data. If you haven't got known accurate data then I'd suggest buying a set of injectors where this data can be provided - I'd use injector dynamics myself.

You've really jumped in the deep end with this setup and it's a combination that experienced Dodge tuners will still take a bit of work to get dialled in. To start with you're not going to be able to 'calculate' the necessary data for these changes. I've dealt with the injectors already but the same goes for a swap of throttle body. These are very sensitive and you'll need the correct flow data for your new throttle body. An option here is to use the TB off a Hellcat and then you can copy the TB characteristics from a stock Hellcat calibration. As for the VE data, you're going to need to get the engine running and log the commanded vs actual AFR to start building out the VE table. You could take a very rough stab at things by reducing VE in the 500-2000 rpm range by say 10% and then adding 10-15% VE at higher rpm where the cam will be efficient. This is nothing more than a guess though and will require refining while tuning. You'll also need to raise the target idle speed appropriately to suit the size of the cam - This may need to be in the 850 rpm vicinity depending on how big the cam is.

I tune Dodge Hemis regularly. I would suggest that you put the stock injectors back in and tune the ve table with the Neural Network off. When you get to about 75% inj duty cycle you will need to swap to your big injectors. I think you will find that you dont need the aftermarket injectors if you are still running gasoline as they are a bit bigger than needed from factory. But if you do then at least half if not most of your ve table will be correct. Tuning VE and INJ tables at the same time is a nightmare. I like to rescale the inj tables m/s divisions to some that make more use of the available slots in table. DataLog alot...

Andre, I can use the injector data from the vehicle model that the injectors were originally meant for, the 2500 Ram with 6.4L Hemi. But, I notice that the breakpoints in my 2018's injector tables, Vs the tables from the 2500 Ram's calibration, don't match. How can I go about using that data to fill in my tables? Is it permissible to change the table breakpoints in my calibration, or do I need to keep my calibration table's breakpoints the same as factory and instead fill in the data? If that's the case, how do I "convert" the injector characterization values to fit my truck's breakpoints?

Luckily enough, I also have a tune file from a 2015 Dodge Hellcat that I can use the airflow model from for my Throttle Body.

As for the VE tuning, will it work essentially the same as your worked example of the GM that you did with the large cam, where you disabled the MAF Sensor and worked solely off Speed Density, and logged the EQ Ratio Error to adjust the VE tables? I have that channel map and graph layout from the worked example to try to do my tuning from.

I am no Andre but I have tuned Dodges for over 10 years. If you post your original tune I can rescale your injectors and make you some datalogging templates for HP scanner.

PDT Rob, that would be great for me to learn from. Do you need my factory file and list of modifications for you to create that? And can you show me how you come up with those and how I can reproduce them for other projects moving forward?

Thanks for the help!

PDT Rob, here is the Original File, my current startup tune I cobbled together, and a quick datalog from tonight. I had played with a new tune I tried from scratch but it's not running correctly and actually had my transmission making an odd gear whine noise in P/N so I quickly reloaded my original startup tune.

Attached Files
  • 24-Put-back-to-the-startup-tune-again-idle-and-lap-around-shop.hpl
  • Attachments may only be downloaded by paid Gold members. Read more about becoming a Gold member here.

  • Revision-1-Startup-Tune-Tomahawk-NN-Disabled-MDS-Disabled-VVT-Lockout-6.4-Intake-HCTB-3600-Stall-3.92-LT-No-Cats-No-Evap-Purge-Solenoid..hpt
  • Attachments may only be downloaded by paid Gold members. Read more about becoming a Gold member here.

  • Robert-Strong-2018-Ram-Stock-File-Post-Unlock.hpt
  • Attachments may only be downloaded by paid Gold members. Read more about becoming a Gold member here.

PDT Rob, here is the Original File, my current startup tune I cobbled together, and a quick datalog from tonight. I had played with a new tune I tried from scratch but it's not running correctly and actually had my transmission making an odd gear whine noise in P/N so I quickly reloaded my original startup tune.

Attached Files
  • 24-Put-back-to-the-startup-tune-again-idle-and-lap-around-shop-v2.hpl
  • Attachments may only be downloaded by paid Gold members. Read more about becoming a Gold member here.

  • Revision-1-Startup-Tune-Tomahawk-NN-Disabled-MDS-Disabled-VVT-Lockout-6-v2.4-Intake-HCTB-3600-Stall-3.92-LT-No-Cats-No-Evap-Purge-Solenoid..hpt
  • Attachments may only be downloaded by paid Gold members. Read more about becoming a Gold member here.

  • Robert-Strong-2018-Ram-Stock-File-Post-Unlock-v2.hpt
  • Attachments may only be downloaded by paid Gold members. Read more about becoming a Gold member here.

This is just the base injector rescaling of the stock file. The lb per hr data has not been changed just the time divisions as I use the fuel trims to dial in this table. I added a couple of templates for the scanner to help with the tuning. I will look deeper into your project tonight when I am not at work.

Attached Files

I would like to contact you directly as there is alot to go over. I think if we can talk on the phone for 15 min I could teach you alot about Dodge tuning. 1 big problem with your base tune is that the 2 injector tables dont match. They are basically opposites of each other. Open your stock file and open both injector tabs and study them. fuel/general/injector control/pulse width. I also feel like you are changing way to many tables at the same time and even some I never touch!

You can start with this tune and work from there. If you send me a datalog of it I will help you more.

Attached Files

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