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OEM KFMIRL and KFMIOP is not a direct inverse model?

Practical Reflash Tuning

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I'm trying to workout how to recalibrate the OEM KFMIOP, by the usual method (I have attached the calculator).

Although this does not match the OEM calibration even when you adjust for the axis, it is still some way off, it appears this ECU is not a direct inverse model.

This is an MG1P007 ECU, does anyone have any advice? ORI tables are on the ORI tab on the spreadsheet as well as the calculator on two tabs.

Attached Files

Have you checked out Nefmoto for help? there are a lot of users that deal with Bosch units. It looks like KFMIRL is target filling and KFMIOP is Optimum Engine Torque. I have attached a few photos of the system i use to tune my car with a Bosch MED9 ecu. I would like to think the strategy is similar but i cant be sure. This is just for reference.


KFMIRL - this is possible requested load.

KFMIOP - this is the actual requested load from the driver as such. It appears to be a percentage.

Attached Files

The ori scales in KFMIOP look like they are being used to limit max RL. You must log load requests on a stock car and compare the values. Then start buy just increasing KFMIOP scal and Z value to see if this brings it up.


Are there any plans to do a course or webinar on the Bosch MG1 ECU tuning strategy? Information on modern ECU is pretty thin on the ground.

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