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Optimal Spark Advance map help?

Practical Reflash Tuning

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I need some help advancing my spark map on a N/A Audi S6. I want to advance it by 4 degrees in the green highlighted area. Would I need to -4 degrees or + 4 degrees. I know the lower the number the closer it is to top dead center which means that -4 degrees would advance the spark. However someone who has more expertise in the area might be able to advise me better as I've only recently started reflashing.

software im using is ECM Titanium.

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In order to advance the timing, you'd need to add 4 degrees. Smaller numbers mean the spark is occurring closer to TDC which is later in the engine cycle and hence retarded. To advance the timing you want the spark to occur earlier in the engine cycle which is a larger number.

Please make sure you have a way of monitoring for knock before making these changes.

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