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Remapping Locked MBE ECU

Practical Reflash Tuning

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Does anyone know if a locked late model MBE ECU can be remapped in any way I realise this may not be a popular choice of ECU but it is for an Ariel Atom and just trying to figure out if there is any way at all to remap without a whole new ECU?

I setup and ran an MBE 9a9 in my car for a couple of seasons, I later installed it in a customer car that I still tune. I don't remember any passwords/security, but perhaps it was there and I never needed it. Can you check with the original tuner and see if he will unlock it for you.

If not, and you have the existing wiring diagram, it shouldn't be too hard to just send a new config to your existing ECU and start tuning. I'm sure you're probably already talking to SBD Motorsports as they seem to be the real MBE support channel.


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