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Romraider tables

Practical Reflash Tuning

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Discussion and questions related to the course Practical Reflash Tuning

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I have the rom file downloaded from the Ecu found injector size was set to 420, changed to 850cc then I changed the dead times. Car ran for a few seconds and cut out. Any videos on this being done correctly via the romraider software l. Also my deadtimes are 8v 10v 12v 14v 16v the ecu fields to be complete are 6.5v 9v 11.5v 14v 16v. Is it possible to change the fields. Car runs ok with the current map of 420cc even though it has 850cc injectors

I'm going to need a little more information to be able to help. For a start it would be helpful to know what the car you're dealing with is and what modifications have been made.

Please review the module covering injector rescaling in the Practical Reflash course. You'll see that the scaling number and latency don't necessarily relate directly to the published data from an injector supplier. That module also provides you with the process to get the numbers right.

The fact that your engine runs ok with the scaling set to 420 cc when it's actually fitted with 850 cc injectors suggests to me that there's other factors at play here and I'd be suspicious that the MAF or intake has also been modified which has thrown out the MAF scaling.

Hi Andre,

It’s a 2002 Subaru wrx. I done the following upgrades.

New intake manifold, larger intercooler. TGV deletes, upgraded fuel pump, high flow fuel rail. New fuel pressure regulator, upgraded to walbro fuel pump. New TD05 18g turbo. 850cc injectors, new spark plugs. New headers, new larger decat exhaust.

I understand fully the lessons in the course but trying to implement the knowledge via romraider seems to be where my problem is. I have the deadtimes from the manufacturer of the injectors. Maybe I don’t need to change the pulse widths in all the tables I found. There were a lot of them, should I just do the deadtimes and injector size. The ecu might config the rest automatically.

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