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Surging and higher rpm

Practical Reflash Tuning

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Discussion and questions related to the course Practical Reflash Tuning

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Hello so I am using ecu flash on my 08 sti. I have the tune seemingly figured out but I am having one issue now. So Around the 5k-6k maybe 5500 rpm The car will serge then continue like normal. I have no idea what is causing this unless its a timing issue, maybe like it too big of a range difference? I would have a better idea on what is causing this if it happened after changing one thing but I was changing a lot of things about the tune because I was getting knock, so I messed with timing, boost targets, and wastegate targets. I can upload the tune and the log if someone is willing to take a look at what is going on. The log included will show the last run Where I felt the surge, there was no knock so I really am lost with what it could be. Hopefully one of you guys can see something that I am missing. If you would Like the tune lmk I can upload that as well. Thank you for the help!

Attached Files

its possible is learned knock correction, as there is a noticeable drop in timing being commanded at around 5600rpm. But you need to log the ignition channels. So base ignition timing, knock correction and i think its called fine learning knock correction.

Gap your plugs to .022” and use ngk 2309.

DM me and I’ll look over your tune and datalog.

Edit: i typod part number

Okay Salco ill add those and see if I can log it when it starts to do that again. and @red96turbols I dont see a DM option on your profile, you got a discord or email I could send it to you on? or maybe you could dm me and I can see where its at lol :P

My username @gmail.com haha

Okay cool haha, I just sent that over!

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